Bos has been confirmed to be returning to the roster of Prehistoric Kingdom at some point after full release, though it is unknown exactly when that may be.
Bos is a large genus of Bovid containing extant and extinct species that often includes the genus Bison. The two species that were to be found in Prehistoric Kingdom were:
Bos latifrons, also referred to as Giant Bison or Long-Horned Bison, a massive bison that lived in North America during the Pleistocene.
And Bos priscus, also referred to Steppe Bison, a bison that lived in Europe and Asia during the Quaternary and went extinct around 5,400 years ago.
Bos latifrons is an enormous Bison, being the largest known bovid. It resembles modern Bisons in appearance such as the American Bison, However its horns are much larger.
Nothing is known so far as to how will Bos priscus look in-game.
To be announced.
Bison are grazers, with large teeth to break up the plant material they ingest. They are ruminants, having a four-chambered stomach that allows them to break down plant material. While many species have gone extinct they are still a very successful group, some species were domesticated by humans giving rise to domesticated species.
B. latifrons is one of the largest known bovids in the fossil record and also has the largest horns of any known bovine. This species of bison thrived for 200,000 years during the Pleistocene and lived in small family groups on the vast plains and scattered woodland of North America and Mexico. The massive horns of the male bison would have been used in tussles to fight for the right to mate, as well as being useful weapons against predators such as Smilodon. Why they evolved to be huge is still a mystery, though it was most likely as a consequence of abundant food and an evolutionary defence against predators. B. latifrons became extinct between 20,000 and 30,000 years ago during the start of the Last Glacial Maximum, the last glacial expansion. It is likely these bison couldn't evolve fast enough to adapt to the changing environment. It was discovered and named in 1825.
The genus Bos was named in 1758 by Carl Linnaeus and it's derived from the Latin word bōs that means cow, ox or bull.
- Bos is planned to get a second species in the future, B. priscus, which lived in Europe alongside Mammuthus, Coelodonta, Ursus, and Megaloceros.