Prehistoric Kingdom Wiki
Prehistoric Kingdom Wiki
PK EnclosuresIcon

Structures meant to contain the numerous animals that live in Prehistoric Kingdom, Enclosures range from the various fences and barriers necessary to keep both the animals and guests safe to the Mini-Exhibits, such as the Mini-Aviary, that home the smallest residents in the park.


Mini-Exhibits allow you to house the smallest residents of Prehistoric Kingdom, currently consisting of just 2 animals: Microraptor and Archaeopteryx with Compsognathus and several other animals coming in the future. Currently, there is only one kind of Mini-Exhibit in the game, the Mini-Aviary.


Fences allow the park to house most of the animals in the game, from the feisty Velociraptor and tiny Psittacosaurus to the mighty Tyrannosaurus and massive Argentinosaurus. Most fences come in sizes of 1, 2.5 and 4 meters tall. However, the metal fence comes in a 6 meters tall variant. There are also the null fences that allow the creation of custom fences while still indicating the existence of an exhibit. Beware however, as these do not stop humans or animals from entering or exiting an area.

Staff Gates[]

Staff gates allow members of your staff, especially keepers, to access the interiors of enclosures. They come in a range of styles and heights. Gates will snap to any nearby fence piece during placement but they do not need to be part of an enclosure or even a length of fence; technically they are modular pieces. This means that they can also be used, for example, to make staff-only areas.


All enclosures in Prehistoric Kingdom have a handful of things they need to function alongside a handful of statistics about them.


All enclosures will have 5 primary stats that will affect the welfare of your animals.

  • Percent of Forest Coverage
  • Percent of Water Coverage
  • Plant Biomes
  • Exhibit Crowding
  • Cleanliness

Exhibit Score[]

All enclosures have an Exhibit Score statistic which is based on the animal points of every animal inside but may also include some bonuses and penalties such as:

  • Animals that share a time period receive a bonus.
  • Animals that share a formation receive a bonus.
  • Excessive dung in an exhibit receives a penalty.

This score is rated on a scale of A+ to F.

